Member affiliate of


The Trimurti is a member affiliate of the Mauritius Council of Social Services (MACOSS), which is the National Platform of Non-Government organisations (NGOs). As such, Trimurti has participated in several workshops organized by MACOSS.
On 30th July 2020, some members participated in the launching ceremony of the two European funded projects (initiatives) implemented by MACOSS namely:

(i) Strenghening Women’s Movement for Greater Impact Project; and
(ii) Capacity Development Communications and Strenthening Member Organisation Engagement.

On 18th September 2020, some members also participated on a half day workshop on “the content of the NGO portal for MACOSS”.

On 28th and 29th October 2021, one member of Trimurti had participated in a 2-day high level workshop in connection with “Men2Men” Project, Strategy to end Gender-Based Violence co-organised by MACOSS and the African Women’s Development and Communications Network (FEMNET).